The Young, Hip Oscars?

This post is barely worth formulating, given how stark I found this year’s Oscars to be. Not only were there few fashion choices that left me inspired, but there weren’t any remarkable moments in humor or heartfelt sentiments (aside from James Franco’s appearance in a unitard). There was also a huge Ryan Gosling shaped void in the night that Jake Gyllenhaal couldn’t even fill.

At any rate, I really liked Cate Blanchett’s Givenchy Couture. Finally someone unafraid to bring real fashion to the red carpet!

Michelle Williams can usually do no wrong either, and I really think she’s found her style niche lately with her hairstyle and retro makeup.

If she had to lose (such bullshit) at least she looked amazing in Chanel Haute Couture.

She’ll get another chance.

Sandra Bullock looked amazing too, at least during  the pre-show red carpet interview. I can’t find any pictures that quite do her Vera Wang the justice that live television did.

Looking good is the best revenge.

Lastly, I really liked the CUSTOM MADE Marchesa gown that newcomer Hailee Steinfeld wore. Like so many others I do have to praise her and her stylist for keeping it age-appropriate, but it was also just so lush and serene. A nice break from so much of the harsh vixen statements all over the red carpet.

As for the boys…

Robert Downey Jr is as adorable as ever. I don’t care what he did in his past. He is so damn cute.

I bet that he’s the kind of guy who can just throw on a suit and look great. Unlike a certain Marky Mark. Oh yes, just like James Francos’ grandma, I went there. I’m never going to take this guy seriously as an actor, sorry. Especially not when he can’t bother to get a nice suit and do a little grooming for the ACADEMY AWARDS. He looked so schlumpy.

On the other hand, and I realize the hypocrisy here, I thought Christian Bale looked good. He can pull off a hobo beard at such a ceremony, because he is an actor. And because he wore a three piece suit, like a MAN. And because he made a really tender remark about his daughter: “She’s taught me more than I could ever teach her”.

And lastly for the male fashion, I really liked the dark grey velvet suit that James Franco donned towards the end.

This shot says it all.

I think people have been too quick to put down Franco’s bemused expressions and underwhelmed temperament through the evening, and far too quick to praise Hathaway for her ‘enthusiasm’. I say, he knew she was embarrassing herself, acting like a theatre brat surrounding by a lot of positive, encouraging-yet-pushy parents and coaches, and he just did his best to maintain some dignity on that sinking ship. Besides, he’s James Franco. All he really needs to do is stand there.

And lastly, a moment for Darren Arronofsky’s mustache, still going strong.


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